Literacy Top Item for House Education Committee
House Education Committee members got a look at strategies the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) is implementing to improve literacy development at its Thursday, Feb. 2, meeting. Chair Chris Erwin (R-Homer) indicated the committee will dig deeper into literacy this session. With many new members joining the committee this year, Erwin asked experts from several organizations to provide information on big picture educational needs across the state including charter schools, school funding, and workforce development.
April Aldridge, deputy superintendent for teaching and learning at GaDOE, gave legislators an overview of strategies the department uses to improve literacy development. These include:
Revising K-12 English Language Arts standards
Academic recovery specialists who provide on-the-ground support to districts
L4GA grants, a competitive literacy grant program for low-performing schools
Collaborating with Regional Service Education Agencies (RESAs) to provide science-based literacy training for teachers
Dana Rickman, president of the Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education, provided a snapshot of the organization’s Top 10 Issues for 2023. The report examines key issues that affect student learning, including educator burnout, and uses data from PAGE’s member survey to highlight the urgency of this issue.
Lawmakers learned about local and state commission charter schools from Lauren Holcomb, executive director of the State Charter Schools Commission. Several committee members asked about differences in funding and accountability between traditional schools and charter schools.
The link between school funding and student success was highlighted by David Schaefer of the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute. He cited the large shortfall in state funding for student transportation and the lack of funding for low-income students as two areas where action is needed. Both issues are included in PAGE’s 2023 Legislative Priorities.
Tim Cairl of the Metro Atlanta Chamber described workforce needs and points where closer communication and alignment between K-12 and postsecondary systems and employers could yield benefits.
AFY 23 Budget Passes the House
The House approved HB 18, its version of the Amended Fiscal Year (AFY) 2023 budget, including several changes to Gov. Brian Kemp’s spending proposals for education outlined HERE. Rep. Matt Hatchett (R-Dublin), chair of the House Appropriations Committee, presented the budget on the House floor for his first time as chair. Hatchett was named chair after long-time House Appropriations Chair Terry England did not run for re-election.
Rep. Matt Dubnik (R-Gainesville), chair of the House Education Appropriations Subcommittee, commended the addition of funding for construction simulators to help train students in vocational education programs across the state.
The AFY 23 budget moves to the Senate Appropriations committee, which will offer its own adjustments to the spending plan.
Register Now for PAGE Day on Capitol Hill
PAGE Day on Capitol Hill, in conjunction with the Georgia Association of Educational Leaders (GAEL), and the Georgia Association for Colleges of Teacher Education (GACTE), is coming up soon. Please register now to join us Tuesday, Feb. 21, for this free event. You will learn more about pending education legislation and advocate for educators, students, and public education.
Upcoming Schedule
Monday, Feb. 6 – Legislative Day 13
1pm House Education Subcommittees, Location TBD
Tuesday, Feb. 7 – Legislative Day 14
Joint Senate Education & Youth and High Education Committee Meeting
Wednesday, Feb. 8 – Legislative Day 15
Thursday, Feb. 9 – Legislative Day 16
Joint Senate Education & Youth and High Education Committee Meeting