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Day 6: Short Day After Winter Weather Upends Joint Appropriations Hearings

After cancellation of joint appropriations hearings last week due to winter weather, the House and Senate conducted short floor sessions today and began ramping up scheduled committee meetings.

House Floor Session
Senate Floor Session

Education Budget Hearings Tomorrow; Register for PAGE's Jan. 29 State Budget Webinar to Learn More

Register for the PAGE Budget Webinar at no cost HERE.
Register for the PAGE Budget Webinar at no cost HERE.

The House is conducting hearings this week to review Gov. Brian Kemp's proposed budgets. Several education-related initiatives are included in both the AFY2025 and FY2026 budgets, including additional funding for school safety.

The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) and other education agencies will present their budget requests on Tuesday at 1 p.m.

To learn more about that hearing and how the budget may affect public education, the PAGE Legislative Team invites you to a webinar on proposed education budgets on Wednesday, Jan. 29, at 5 p.m.

Upcoming Schedule

Tuesday, Jan. 28 - Legislative Day 7

  • 1 p.m. Appropriations Subcommittee on Education, 506 CLOB

  • 2 p.m. Joint Retirement, 406 CLOB

Wednesday, Jan. 29 - Legislative Day 8

Thursday, Jan. 30 - Legislative Day 9

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