The State Board of Education (SBOE) approved a rule amendment that allows school districts to lower the weight of Georgia Milestones End of Course (EOC) assessments on students' final course grades to 10 percent. Currently, EOCs account for 20 percent of each student's final grade. Districts could continue to use a percentage weight higher than 10 percent should they choose to do so. The board also approved a list of universal reading screeners as required by the Georgia Early Literacy Act.

2024 Georgia Teacher of the Year (GATOY), PAGE member Christy Todd, a music technology teacher at Rising Starr Elementary in Fayette County, attended her first meeting as an ex-officio member of the SBOE and shared her gratitude for being selected as GATOY. PAGE looks forward to working with Christy.
CLICK HERE to view the agenda, which includes links to all items considered by the board.
The next board meeting will take place on Aug. 23 and 24 in Macon at the Georgia Academy of the Blind located at 2895 Vineville Ave, Macon, GA 31204.
EOC Weight Change Approved for Public Comment
The SBOE approved by a vote of 9-3 a rule change that allows school districts to lower the weight of Georgia Milestones End of Course (EOC) assessments on students' final course grades as low as 10 percent. Currently, EOCs account for 20 percent of each student's final grade. Districts could continue to use a percentage weight higher than 10 percent should they choose, a point that several board members emphasized, citing district flexibility and local control in support of the change.
Most board members expressed support for the change. Other board members mentioned concerns that the rule change devalues the EOC assessment and lowers the rigor and expectations the state has set for students. One member said that this change is "watering down the graduation requirements."
Universal Screeners Approved to Comply with Georgia Early Literacy Act
The board unanimously approved a list of universal screeners to be used in school districts as part of the literacy program improvements required by the Georgia Early Literacy Act passed during the 2023 legislative session.
Some board members requested that the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) include guidance on the components of each of the screeners. GaDOE Chief of Staff Matt Jones agreed that the department would include this information.
New Courses
The SBOE approved the following course revisions:
The board also approved a new course titled Light Duty Hybrid/Electric Vehicle Technology.
The board approved posting standards for the Entertainment, Sports, and Events Management career pathway for public comment. The pathway consists of two courses: The Business of Entertainment, Sports, and Event Management and Event Planning Applications.