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SHBP Update: August 2021 Department of Community Health Board of Community Health Meeting

The Georgia Department of Community Health (DCH) Board held the first of two August meetings on Thursday, Aug. 12. As part of the agenda, the board heard an update on the State Health Benefit Plan (SHBP). This included a vote to approve the 2022 SHBP plan rates and designs.

No Changes to Current Rates or Designs for SHBP Members For next year, there are no changes to current rates or designs for SHBP members. All vendors will remain the same, and there are no changes to copays/deductibles. Open enrollment for 2022 begins Oct. 18 and ends Nov. 5. PAGE welcomes this good news. “Amid escalating inflation and the ongoing challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, a strong benefits package for teachers and school staff is essential. PAGE is pleased by the announcement today that there will be no State Health Benefit Plan premium increase, deductible increase, or benefit reductions for Georgia educators next calendar year,” said Craig Harper, PAGE’s executive director.

Next Meeting about Budget The next DCH meeting is the annual budget meeting. It is scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 26, 2021.

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