House Signs Off on Gov. Kemp’s Teacher Pipeline Bill
The House approved SB 88, Gov. Brian Kemp's Teacher Pipeline bill, which includes a pathway for veterans to become teachers. Sponsored by Sen. Russ Goodman (R-Cogdell), the bill also requires teacher preparation programs to provide classes in differentiated instruction and literacy, and adds the Georgia Teacher of the Year as an ex officio member of the State Board of Education. More information is available here. The bill now heads to Kemp for his signature.
Senate Committee Gives a 'Do Pass' to New Content for Drug & Alcohol Courses
The Senate Education & Youth Committee passed HB 287 by Rep. Bonnie Rich (R-Suwanee), which adds education on tobacco and vape products to drug and alcohol courses required for students in grades K-12. A substitute version of the bill adds human trafficking education to the courses for grades 6-12 at the request of First Lady Marty Kemp.
Senate Retirement Passes Alternative Investment Bill
The Senate Retirement Committee passed HB 173 by Rep. Tommy Benton (R-Jefferson), which allows retired state employee associations to recommend advisory members to the board overseeing the Employees Retirement System (ERS). HB 173 also authorizes large public retirement systems, excluding TRS and ERS, to invest up to 10 percent of their funds in alternative investments. The TRS and ERS alternative investment allowance remains capped at 5 percent.