House Committee Signs Off on Study of State Health Benefit Plan
A bill to create a House study committee to examine the State Health Benefit Plan (SBHP) was passed today by the House Health and Human Services Committee. HR 629 is authored by Rep. Darlene Taylor (R-Thomasville). According to Taylor, issues regarding the SHBP emerged during the work of the House Rural Development Council. The council’s 2021 recommendations noted that House members received reports from constituents that providers contracted with SHBP have not delivered and paid for benefits outlined in the plan.
Upcoming Schedule
Wednesday, Feb. 9 – Committee Work Day
Senate Health & Human Services Committee, 10 a.m., 450 CAP
Senate High Education Committee, 11 a.m., 450 CAP
House Education Academic Innovation Subcommittee, 11:30 a.m., 506 CLOB
Judiciary Non-Civil Smith Subcommittee, 12 p.m., 406 CLOB
Senate Education & Youth Committee, 2 p.m., 307 CLOB
House Education Committee, 3 p.m., 341 CAP
Thursday, Feb. 10 – Legislative Day 14
House Appropriations Committee, 7 a.m., 341 CAP
House Education Academic Support Subcommittee, 1 p.m., 606 CLOB
Friday, Feb 11 – Legislative Day 15