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Literacy Council K-3 Working Group - June 2024 Meeting

Updated: Aug 21, 2024

The Georgia Council on Literacy K-3 Working Group met virtually June 18 to discuss and prioritize literacy goals.

Meeting Agenda & K-3 Working Group Responsibilities

The K-3 Working Group is charged with implementing requirements of the Georgia Early Literacy Act, including instructional materials, universal screeners, tiered reading intervention plans, and professional learning. Additionally, the K-3 group is responsible for:

  • Monitoring the literacy goals and measures approved by the State Board of Education (SBOE) and making conclusions related to status and effectiveness of current policies and initiatives

  • Reviewing changes or updates to the Quality Basic Education (QBE) school funding formula to enhance literacy instruction

  • Reviewing K-3 teacher literacy professional development needs

  • Developing goals, initiatives, and recommendations related to K-3 reading

The group received updates on state literacy intiatives from stakeholders including the Rollins Center/Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) partnership and the Georgia READS/Regional Education Service Agency (RESA) plan. Before adjourning, the K-3 Working Group reviewed and made suggested edits to its group goals.

GaDOE & Rollins Center Partnership

Ryan Lee-James and Stacey Wallen shared an update on the partnership between GaDOE and the Rollins Center, through which seven school districts and several charter schools are served. The partnership has provided educator coaching, resources via the Georgia Literacy Academy, and supported a structured literacy network. 

Educators participating in partnership programs have provided positive feedback via survey ratings.


RESA Let's READ Georgia! Plan

RESA leaders shared an update on the Let’s READ Georgia! Plan including regional literacy coaches who provide instructional coaching support for K-3 teachers. Coaches are required to facilitate onsite teacher training in the science of teaching, structured literacy, foundational literacy skills, and evidence-based decision-making. They are responsible for demonstrating lessons and providing educators with immediate feedback for improving instruction.


RESA professional learning is in addition to GaDOE-approved required K-3 teacher training programs. Executive directors of each GA RESA recommended employees to serve on teams charged with design and implementation of the Regional Literacy Coach program.

GaDOE Coaching Focused on Low Performing Schools

State Director of Literacy Amy Denty updated K-3 Working Group members on the 60 literacy coaches planned for placement in the lowest five percent of academically performing schools. Denty articulated the roles of the statewide literacy coordinator, school-based structured literacy coaches, school effectiveness specialists, and school improvement specialists.

Draft Changes to K-3 Working Group Goals

At the conclusion of the meeting, members discussed suggested changes to working group goals, reflected in bold and italics below.


1. Goal: Integration of Georgia Early Literacy Act and Dyslexia Legislation

  • Merge requirements of HB 538 and SB 48 as applicable to streamline processes.

  • Prioritize screening tools aligned with HB 538 and SB 48 to minimize student assessments.

  • Target identification of prioritized screeners by December 2024.


 2. Goal: Protocol Development for Identifying District Literacy Issues

  • Develop protocols assisting local districts in identifying predominant challenges and opportunities using the 12 indicators of low literacy.


3. Goal: Investigation of Hearing/Vision Screening and Follow-up Care

  • Assess hearing/vision screening requirements and local district capabilities for providing necessary follow-up care and services.

  • Consider implementing recommendations for more screenings.


4. Goal: Exploration of Literacy Support for Older Students

  • Investigate opportunities to address literacy needs of older students to enhance their educational experience and outcomes.

  • Consider recommendations for science of reading training for teachers of students above grade 3.


5. Goal: Establishment of Clear Guidelines for Screening and Interventions

  • Explore the provision of comprehensive guidelines and support for vetted interventions, ensuring clarity and efficacy in literacy support efforts.

  • Promote consistency in guidelines for further diagnostic probes after universal screening has occurred.

Next Meeting

Upcoming full Council on Literacy meetings are planned for Aug. 26 at Georgia College & State University and Nov. 19 at Lanier Technical College. 

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