It was a busy day under the Gold Dome. The Georgia Association of School Psychologists and Decoding Dyslexia advocated on education issues, and PAGE visited with both groups throughout the day.
Speaker Burns Announces 'Riley Gaines Act'

House Speaker Jon Burns (R-Newington) and other House GOP members held a news conference to announce the introduction of the "Riley Gaines Act," sponsored by Rep. Josh Bonner (R-Fayetteville). The bill has not been added to the legislative website as of publication of this report. A press release indicates the act would prohibit biological males from competing on sports teams designated for girls or women. It would also require separate changing facilities, bathrooms, and locker rooms at athletic events. Biological males would be prohibited from receiving athletic scholarships designated for women. Requirements in the bill would pertain to any private school that competes against public schools.
Senate Ed Passes Equalization Bill and Federal Guidance Posting Mandate

At the start of the Senate Education Committee meeting, Chair Billy Hickman (R-Statesboro) referenced the impact of chronic student absenteeism and indicated the committee would explore ways to address it.
Senate Appropriations Chair Blake Tillery (R-Vidalia) presented SB 22. Tillery indicated the Georgia Public Policy Foundation, which subsequently testified in favor of the measure, approached him about sponsoring it. The legislation would require the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) to publish relevant federal guidance documents, including advisories, announcements, bulletins, circulars, directives, letters, manuals, memoranda, notices, policy statements, and media, news, and press releases. Publication must occur within 15 days and include a written response plan within 45 days.
SB 22 passed unanimously and now moves to Senate Rules which will schedule it for a floor vote.
The committee unanimously passed and sent to Rules SB 44, by Sen. Ben Watson (R-Moultrie). The legislation reduces the minimum required millage rate from 14 mills to 10 mills, broadening eligibility for equalization grants aimed at supporting school districts with lower property tax revenues. SB 44 also proposes a 25 percent reduction in equalization awards for districts not meeting the minimum millage requirement. GaDOE would prepare an annual report on the initial and adjusted equalization grant amounts for each local school system.

The Senate Insurance & Labor Committee passed SB 39, which seeks to prohibit the State Health Benefit Plan (SHBP) from covering gender-affirming care. SB 39 was amended to change the effective date of the legislation to January 1, 2026.
SB 39 now awaits consideration by the Senate Rules Committee.
Register for PAGE Day on Capitol Hill

Join us Tuesday, Feb. 18, for PAGE Day on Capitol Hill. In partnership with partnership with the Georgia Association of Educational Leaders (GAEL) and the Georgia Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (GACTE), the event will provide PAGE members an opportunity to learn about important education policy initiatives and meet state policy makers.
Attendees will receive complimentary breakfast and lunch. During the morning session, attendees will hear from legislators and other policymakers on pertinent education policy issues including education funding, Georgia's teacher pipeline, the Teacher Retirement System, and more.
Mid-morning, attendees will engage in advocacy and direct dialogue with legislators under the Gold Dome. The event culminates in a lunch buffet during which state leaders will share remarks.
Upcoming Schedule

Wednesday Feb. 5 Legislative Day 12
Thursday Feb. 6 - Legislative Day 13
1 p.m. Senate Ed, 450 CAP
1 p.m. House Education Subcommittee, 506 CLOB